Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The process of writing...

While i didn't really set out to do this, what I ended up doing was that I read through the scriptures and highlighted every instance where the scriptures had praised or highlighted a leadership characteristic or quality. I then catagorized them. Much to my surprise, I discovered that there were basically nine characteristics, which incidentially closely alligned to the fruit of the spirit. That was one very cool ah-ha moment!! And sadly, also a moment when I realized that that discovery was too much for this particular work to deal with in its proper depth.

I read something over 300 books, both secualr and religious on leadership. The four that stand out in my mind are...

Courageous Leadership by Hybels
Visioneering by Andy Stanley
Spiritual leadership by Oswald Sanders and
Spiritual leadership by Blackaby...
and hopefully someday
Restoring Church Leadership (to the principles of the Bible) by DeMaere :-)


1 comment:

Wayne said...

I just ran across your blog, Ken, caught the line of thought, and wondered how you are progressing with writing your biblical concept of leadership. Noting your educational evolvement, I am reading Callen's bio, and observing how his educ process interlaced with his professional development. The two seem to go hand in hand, which may say something about calling, accountability, personal discipline et al. The more we give to God, the more he uses us, or something like that.....just musing......thanks for your thoughts......Wayne